Please contact us :
Or DM us on Facebook or our instagram : namesolutionz
Send us your full name that is really working inside your mind and your date of birth.
Also screenshot or photo of your payment evidence to our bank account need to be sent.
ANZ New Zealand
(Name Solutionz)
Please put the reference with your first name and your date of birth (e.g. Andy23051988)
Overseas payment SWIFT code ANZBNZ22
Name : Name Solutionz
Email :
Bank : ANZ New Zealand
Account Number : 01-0221-0936929-00
Overseas payment SWIFT code ANZBNZ22
Please put the reference with your first name and your date of birth (e.g. Andy23051988)
It only cost you $ 50 per full name to be checked.
You can check your name and your loved ones here.
It starts from $ 500 to get your name fixed (if only its need to be).
The more budget you spent the more better parameters for your new full name will be.
We also can check your business or brand name, but first its your personal name that really matters.
If your personal name not in the best form then its useless to have a business / brand.
Pricing for a name correction
$ 500 :
You will get a positive Harani, Synchronicity value minimum 0.8, Coherence value minimum 0.7
Synergy minimum 70%, Productive minimum 70%, and Momentum Stream minimum 0.7
$ 1000 :
You will get a positive Harani, Synchronicity value minimum 0.9, Coherence value minimum 0.7
Synergy minimum 75%, Productive minimum 75%, Momentum Stream minimum 0.7
$ 2000 :
You will get a positive Harani, Synchronicity value minimum 0.9, Coherence value minimum 0.8
Synergy minimum 80%, Productive minimum 80%, Momentum Stream minimum 0.7
$ 5000 :
You will get a positive Harani, Synchronicity value 1 (maximum), Coherence value minimum 0.8
Synergy minimum 85%, Productive minimum 85%, Momentum Stream minimum 0.8
$ 10.000 :
You will get a positive Harani, Synchronicity value 1 (maximum), Coherence value minimum 0.9
Synergy minimum 90%, Productive minimum 90%, Momentum Stream minimum 0.9
Choose your own positive Harani will be an extra $ 500
Yes you can choose your own positive Harani between 1,2,3,4, or 6
You will get your new full name normally within 2 weeks - 1 month.
To be succeed to applying your new full name in your real life you must write down your new full name by yourself,
in a folio lined book with minimum content of a full page each night for full 100 consecutive days straight without missing a single day on it.
A timeframe to write down your new full name need to be choose between 6 pm - 11:30 pm
and you must be sure that you can consistently start to write down at the time that you already choose.
For example, you choose to start to write down your new full name at 7 pm
then you have to start to write it down always every 7 pm every night for full 100 consecutive days straight without missing a single day on it.
Timing to write it down is very important and has to be on time. That is why you have to turn on your alarm every day 5 minute before it.
If you think on some special days you will be late to write down your new full name then you have to write it down a full page
in the morning or afternoon,
and you have to write it down again for a full page in the night when you already arrived at home.
Otherwise it will automatically count as your day 1 again, it means you have to repeat the writing ritual from the start.
If you're travelling abroad with different timezone then you have to write your new full name in a full page before the flight
and you can continue the write down routines in the night with the new following timezone. You have to do the same thing when
you will fly return to your original country.
You can also write it down on the plane if its a long flight or you think you will passed 24 hrs since your last time write down your new full name.
Otherwise it will automatically count as your day 1 again, it means you have to repeat the writing ritual from the start.
When you write down your new full name you have to focus to insert your new full name to your mind and heart.
Avoid all the things that can disturb you when you're writing down your full name. Yes you need to be completely concentrate.
The sooner you succeed in getting your new full name synchronize into your mind and heart,
the faster the positive changes and positive impacts you will feel in your real life.
This is the secret of how the Universe works and you cannot cheat the system. You cannot lie to yourself.
It must be and have to be full 100 consecutive days straight of writing without missing a single day on it.
Otherwise this sacred and secret mantra will be not working on you at all.